Inside: The best California quotes to use for captions for your travel photos, the backs of postcards… anything! Okay so depending on who you are, you know that California is really one of the greatest states. Sure there are some social and political differences that divide the country about what to think about the beautiful […]
love your city quotes
Breezy Palm Springs Quotes To Set The Mood
Inside: Fun Palm Springs Quotes + Captions. Headed to the desert anytime soon? Grab some sunscreen, your best friends, and a lot of water. Palm Springs is the perfect getaway for a vacation or a quick girls’ trip. We’ve gathered up our favorite Palm Springs quotes, puns about Palm Springs, and clever Palms Springs Instagram […]
27 San Francisco Quotes to With Images
Inside: San Francisco quotes with images. San Francisco is a magical place; there’s a reason so many people want to live there and so few can afford it. From the fog that delights in the morning, to the celebration of humanity that flows through it’s streets, San Francisco is a special place. You can have […]