Inside: 73 Wild Child Quotes for Mom If you’re a parent, you know the scenario…you’re tired, your kid is tired and you have to go to the grocery store. You know it’s a bad idea going in, but you hope they can last through check out. What usually ends up happening is you carrying your […]
Relationship Quotes
53 Brother from Another Mother Quotes
Inside: Brother from Another Mother Quotes Are you looking for the perfect way to express your love and appreciation for a friend who is as close as a brother to you? Maybe you two are lifelong friends, or maybe you had an instant connection. True friendship adds joy to life and makes your troubles easier […]
37 When You Know You Know Quotes For Soulmates
Inside: When You Know You Know Quotes. You know the moment. Two people lock eyes and instantly fall for each other. It’s like the scene from Romeo + Juliet at the crowded costume ball when Romeo spots Juliet across the fish tank, and suddenly everything else fell away, and all they saw was each other. […]
81 Banana Fish Quotes For Power Love & Living
Inside: Fun banana fish quotes to enjoy. If you are an anime or manga fan, you may have heard of Banana Fish. But, if you haven’t, Banana Fish is an anime series based on the manga of the same name by Akimi Yoshida. Banana Fish is about the battle between a mob boss named Dino […]
83 Petty Quotes to Deal with the DRAMA
Inside: 83 Petty Quotes to Deal with the DRAMA We have all encountered petty drama in our lives. It seems no matter where we are in life… high school, work or motherhood, petty people are waiting in the shadows hoping to suck the joy out of good situations. Sometimes to protect our peace, we have […]
67 Apology for Lying Quotes
Inside: Apology for Lying Quotes. Sometimes we mess up in life. One of the hardest things to do is to own up to that mistake and sincerely apologize for the hurt we have caused. However, to make amends, you must apologize from the heart and change your behavior. True forgiveness takes time, but it is […]
83 Karma Narcissist Quotes You NEED to Read
Inside: The best karma narcissist quotes to help you on your journey. Narcissism can be hard to spot at first. Generally, the first tactic of narcissists is extreme love bombing, so spotting their tricks can be hard at first. However, slowly but surely, a narcissist’s true colors come out. It is extremely difficult, and maybe […]
63 Happy Birthday Dad In Heaven Quotes
Inside: Happy birthday dad in heaven quotes to express your love and care on HIS day. Sometimes it can be hard to find the words to celebrate the birthday of someone close to us that we have lost. For that reason, we have gathered up Happy Birthday Dad in Heaven Quotes to help you. From […]
53+ Hug Quotes to Help Your Day
Inside: 53 Hug Quotes to Help Your Day. Sometimes when we are having a terrible day, all we need is a hug to restore our sense of peace. There is something about being wrapped in the arms of a loved one that makes us feel safe and secure. It doesn’t matter if that person is […]