Inside: Birthday quotes for son

Having a son is quite an incredible blessing. Watching them grow from a little boy learning how to crawl to a full-fledged adult is one of the most amazing and heart-wrenching things. There are no words that could adequately express how much you love your son, but on his birthday you get a chance to try.

birthday quotes for son

These Birthday Quotes for Son seek to find words to help inspire the birthday wishes you want to give him. Some might touch you so deeply that you want to print it out and send it to him. Whatever you do, please be inspired to tell him how much he means to you and celebrates his birth!

Birthday Quotes for Son – Perfect Birthday Wishes

1. Dear Son, 18 years ago I evicted you from my womb, and now we send you out again.

2. Happy Birthday to the world’s okayest son.

Happy Birthday Quotes for Son

3. Happy Birthday to the little boy who stole my heart.

4. Nothing has brought us more joy than being your parents.

5. May your life be filled with many birthdays and amazing adventures.

6. It has been proven that those with more birthdays live longer.

7. Dear son, though you may be our only, you are still our favorite. Happy Birthday.

Having you as a son has brought more purpose and joy than anything.

8. Having you as a son has brought more purpose and joy than anything.

9. To the boy who makes my days brighter and my nerves thinner! Happy Birthday!

10. I have loved you ever since the day I first saw you.

11. Each year I see a little more of myself in you. I’m so sorry.[mv_video doNotAutoplayNorOptimizePlacement=”false” doNotOptimizePlacement=”false” jsonLd=”true” key=”wszbv6aztl7ue8gw2si5″ ratio=”16:9″ thumbnail=”” title=”Birthday Quotes For Son” volume=”70″]

12. Every year we are seeing more of the man you are becoming. It’s wonderful.

13. You’ve made my heart grow larger, and give it an attack or two. Happy Birthday!

14. We couldn’t ask for a better son to celebrate. We tried, they just said we couldn’t.

Son Birthday Quotes

15. Holy Crap – we really can’t believe you made it this far!

16. A year older son, just waiting for that year wiser part…

17. You stole my heart the day I held you so many years ago, and you still have it.

18. I love you for the boy you were, the person you are now, and the man you will become.

19. Though you now have a son of your own, you will always be my baby boy.

20. I’ve never wanted someone’s dreams to come true as I want yours too – Happy Birthday!

Birthday Quotes for Son – Someone I really love was born today!

21. Someone I really love was born today!!!

22. Each year is a gift son, how will you enjoy this year?

Happy Birthday Quotes

23. We love the man you’ve become, your love for gangster rap aside.

24. There isn’t a day that passes that we aren’t grateful you are our son.

25. We love you more than you could ever know – Happy Birthday!