There is love, and there is that special kind of love. The kind of love that runs deep and creates bonds that don’t make sense to a lot of people. These gangster love quotes are designed to capture that kind of love. If one resonates with you, share it. Spread the love.

Gangster Love Quotes that Hit the Feels

1. I will not allow you to choose what days to love me

2. Hundreds of men can tell a woman she is beautiful, but she will only listen when it’s said by the man she loves

3. Maybe I can’t stop the downpour, but I will always be by your side in the rain

4. If Bae don’t pray, then Bae can’t stay

5. If your name hasn’t been tatted on a female, your stroke may not be as serious as thought

6. All she wants is a man with a blunt and good conversation

7. Women are made to be loved and cherished, being understood was never part of the deal

8. I’m hard to handle, but even harder to let go of – consider yourself warned

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9. Strong women love low key men with dreams and goals. Weak women love popular men with jewelry and hoes

Gangster Love Quotes – Please underestimate our bond, so we can embarrass you

10. Please underestimate our bond, so we can embarrass you

11. A good woman will never have to prove to you with her word that she is good. Her actions will do all the talking.

12. A real relationship has fights, trust, faith, tears, pain, arguments, patience, jealousy and love. It just comes out on top every time.

13. Don’t be mad when someone else starts to appreciate the person you took for granted. What you won’t do for love, someone else will.

14. You might know who we are, but not our story. You don’t know what we’ve done, what we’ve been through or our future.

15. Ride or Die: your always there for one another in the good times and the bad

16. When shit really goes down, you get to see who really loves you.

17. The best part about us is that she’s always got my back, and I always got her back

18. When the pages of my life are done being written, I know you will be my most beautiful chapter

19. Regardless of how big and bad you are there is always that one girl. She’s seen your weaknesses and loves you anyway.

20. If it is real that you are looking for just watch how hard I can go for you.

It’s almost impossible to resist a bad boy who is a good man

21. It’s almost impossible to resist a bad boy who is a good man.

22. There is one rule for all relationships: never let the one you love feel alone, especially when you are around.

23. I want all of my lasts to be with you

24. She is like fire and ice. You will fear the cold, but crave her burn

25. A classy woman with a little bit of hood in her is the most dangerous kind of woman.