Inside: 37 Good Vibes Quotes for a Happy Life
Good vibes only around here, that’s a must! Sometimes life can deal you some bad cards, but it’s how you handle it that matters! With a positive mindset and a kind soul, you can get through anything that life puts in your path. When you spread good vibes then better vibes find you. Check out these 37 Good Vibes Quotes for a happy life!
Good Vibes Quotes for a Happy Life
Looking for a little motivation, check out these inspiring good vibes quotes to live your best life.
1. Sometimes the grass is greener because it’s fake.
2. Good Vibes Only
3. Be such a beautiful soul that people crave your vibes.
4. If it doesn’t challenge you, it won’t change you.
5. You don’t have to control your thoughts. You just have to stop letting them control you!
6. Do it from love, not for love!
7. Bad vibes don’t go with my outfit.
8. I love what my body is capable of doing!
9. Don’t stop until you’re proud.
10. If you can’t be kind be quiet.
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11. It’s a good day to be happy!
12. Without struggle, there is no progress.
Good Vibes Only Quotes
These good vibes quotes spread love not hate. Share all the good vibes with your friends, family, and followers!
13. I am not sure how, but I will.
14. As long as you’re happy who cares!
15. Be you. Do you. For you.
16. See good in all things.
17. Life. is only as good as your mindset.
18. You can do hard things!
19. Be stronger than your excuses!
20. Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful.
21. This is a good day to have a good day!
22. Be the type of person that you want to meet.
23. Be that kind would that makes everyone feel like a somebody!
24. Purpose fuels passion.
25. A negative mind will never give you a positive life.
Quotes to Lift Your Mood
Spread good vibes with these good vibes quotes. Lift up someone’s day and share a little positivity!
26. I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day!
27. Love yourself first!
28. A good vibe state of mind!
29. Kind is best.
30. Let your soul glow!
31. You are in charge of your own happiness!
32. Every day no matter what I face, I can smile & love others!
33. Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear your path.
34. Step into the daylight and let it go.
35. Have a good time while there’s still time.
36. Do your thing!
37. Don’t measure your progress using some else’s ruler!
More Quotes You’ll Love
If you love these good vibes quotes, you will totally enjoy these others! Here are a few more of our favorites!
- I Love My Brother Quotes – We all love our brothers. Sometimes that shows in how we fight, how we forgive, and how we are there for each other. Showing your brother that you love him will always make his day. So take some time today to tell your brother how much you love him.
- Sweetest First Anniversary Quotes – You made it! It’s your first wedding anniversary. Sure, you’re still paying off the wedding and trying to make sure you get those last thank you notes done – but you made it. There are so many highs and lows of the first year of marriage, but that’s what makes celebrating your first anniversary so special. These First Anniversary Quotes try to capture the humor, love, and all the in-between that comes from your first year of holy matrimony. So grab a quote or two and put it in a text, or put it in a card.
- Short Running Quotes – Whether you have been running for most of your life, or are new at it and need inspiration, these quotes are for you. So, pretend you are a kid again and that you love to run. Send one of these quotes to a friend that loves to run, or one who is trying to get into it!
Now that you have the best good vibes quotes there is no way you can have a bad day! Let us know in the comment your favorite quote! And remember to spread only good vibes!