Inside: Happy Thursday Quotes to Get You to Friday.
Listen, it’s not Thursday’s fault that it isn’t Friday. Thursday didn’t ask to be Thursday; for all we know it really wanted to be Saturday, but didn’t get picked for it. That said, the realities of Thursday and it’s inability to be Friday hit us all hard – but we all need to get through it.
We created this list of “Happy Thursday” quotes to make you smile and poke fun at trying to get motivated for the least motivating day of the week. Hopefully these put a smile on your face, or could put a smile on the face of a co-worker.
Or we can just start a trend of celebrating Thursday.
Happy Thursday – The week’s almost over
1. Thankful it’s Thursday – the week is almost over.
2. It’s Thursday, which means a bunch of places have happy hour tonight!
3. Just think, you can always have a 3 day weekend if you call in sick tomorrow.
4. Monday was three days ago, and four days from now. That’s a perfect spot.
5. Since it’s probably a ton of people’s birthday this Thursday let’s eat some cake.
Happy “Tomorrow is Friday” Day
6. Happy “Tomorrow is Friday” Day!
7. Be someone’s reason for making it to Friday today.
8. List all the things you want to do this weekend and you’ll make it.
9. You’re worth whatever it takes to make it through today.
10. Happy Friday-Eve!
11. Look at the bright side, no one is going to say it’s “Hump Day” today.
12. I hate Thursday, but a lot less than I hate my job, so there’s that.
13. Don’t feel bad Thursday, it’s not your fault you’re not Friday.
Nothing ruins my Friday like finding it’s only Thursday
14. Nothing ruins my Friday like finding it’s only Thursday.
15. Today is the only Thursday you are guaranteed, so make it a good one.
16. Let’s make Thursday a day to celebrate by how awesome we make it.
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17. Yes it’s Thursday morning, but it’s already Friday in Australia. So happy Friday.
18. Saving all my happiness for Friday, sorry Thursday it’s not you, it’s me.
19. Remember every day is a gift. Except for Thursday, fuck you Thursday!
20. So many reasons to be happy, like that there is one more day until the weekend.
21. Remember it’s Thursday for everyone else, let’s get each other to Saturday!
Happy Thursday Quotes
22. You have everything it takes to get through this Thursday.
23. Being happy on a Thursday starts with remembering you got through this far in the week.
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