Inside: Kindness Quotes for Kids – 25 Simple Notes of Encouragement

We all think our kids are special. Some of us have big hopes for our kids. At the end of the day, we all care that our kids are kind people. We have put together this list of kindness quotes for kids to help you encourage and teach your kids to be kind. Write them on a note and put it in their lunch. Write it in dry-erase marker on their bathroom mirror.

Order a print and frame it and put it in their room. But make sure you are living out these principles as well (maybe you need a note in your lunch box).

Just be encouraged by these kindness quotes for kids!

Kindness Quotes to Share with Your Kids

1. Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give.

2. Be kind whenever possible, because it is always possible.

3. One kind word can change anyone’s day.

Quotes about Kindness


4. “Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up.” – Jesse Jackson

5. Be someone’s reason to smile today.

Quotes for Kids – Kindness is Love in Action

6. Kindness is love in action.

7. You light up my world, find someone today you can light up as well.

8. Today, kindness begins with you!

9. Find someone that needs a smile today, and give all the smiles you have.

10. The world needs all the kind people it can get.

11. Kindness is free. Sprinkle that stuff everywhere.

kindness quotes


12. The world needs you to be awesome today.

13. Be someone who makes everyone feel like somebody special.

14. Find one person today that needs a friend and be kind to them.

15. Every word you say will either build someone up or break them down.

Work Hard. Be Kind. Have Fun.

16. Work Hard. Be Kind. And Have Fun.

17. You have a superpower: kindness.

18. Positivity is contagious. Spread that all over today.

19. Glitter, sparkle and shine today. But most of all, be kind.

The Most Beautiful People are the Kindest People

20. The most beautiful people are the kindest people.

Kindness Quotes for Kids

21. You don’t have to be perfect, just be kind.

22. You will never regret being kind to others.

23. We rise in this life by lifting others up!

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24. Don’t let your kindness be random. Do it on purpose!

25. Be kind to those you don’t want to be kind to. They need it the most.