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Being Vegan is the kindest thing we can do for this planets and the animals we share it with. Yet, it remains one of the hardest diets to maintain due to social pressures, lack of awareness and lack of food options that support it. One of the best things we can do as Vegans is to continue to be positive, stay strong, and raise awareness.
We have compiled these Vegan quotes to do just that. Maybe you need one of these reminders today (or every day). Maybe you have a friend that needs to be encouraged by one of these quotes.
Share the love and positivity as we work together to make the world a better place for all who inhabit it.
Best Vegan Quotes
1. I’m Vegan, but I can still kick your ass.
2. Gone Vegan and never looking back.
3. I love animals and eat vegetables.
5. I make it a point never to eat my friends.
6. Animal lovers don’t eat animals.
7. I could eat that, I just choose not to.
8. I’m Vegan because I care about the environment.
9. “Only when we have become nonviolent towards all life will we have learned to live well with others.” – César Chávez
10. Dear animals, sorry it took me so long.
11. Peace starts with how we treat the most vulnerable.
12. A year without beef saves 3400 trees.
13. 100% Vegan. 0% regrets.
Go Green! Become a Vegan! – Vegan Quotes
14. Go Green! Become a Vegan!
15. Warning: too much fruit and vegetables cause HEALTH!
16. Eat Beans, not Beings.
17. Crazy idea – animals shouldn’t suffer for our convenience
18. I go to the zoo with a lot less guilt now
19. Being a Vegan is hard, but easier than being a factory farm animal
Nothing tastes as good as being Vegan makes your soul feel
20. Nothing tastes as good as being Vegan makes your soul feel
21. Be one less person harming animals
22. Vegans use 1800% less land for their diets
23. Eat. Sleep. Save Animals. Repeat.
24. Broccoli get stuck in your teeth. Dairy gets stuck in your arteries.
25. I’m Vegan because there is no plan-B for earth