Inside: 47 Happy April Fools Day Quotes & Funny Sayings It’s April Fool’s Day! It’s that day of the year when it’s officially cool to play a prank on your friend and your family. So, what are you waiting for? Get all your April Fool’s Day pranks and jokes ready and make most of this […]
Instagram Quotes
87 “Hoppy” Bunny Quotes + Captions for Instagram
Inside: 87 “Hoppy” Bunny Quotes + Captions for Instagram. Bunnies are so adorable, and a clever pun always steals the show on social media. Especially when its Easter quote season, you are bound to see some cute bunny sayings popping up everywhere. They are the best pet in the whole world! A rabbit is a […]
83 Inspirational Barbie Quotes & Dream house Captions
Inside: 83 Inspirational Barbie Quotes & Barbie Dream house Captions Because of its popularity amongst both children and adults, Barbie has had a vast influence on the whole World. The idea of the Barbie doll and brand is to aspire kids of all ages to have the courage to be or do anything they want in […]
43 Peanut Butter Quotes for Instagram
Inside: 43 Peanut Butter Quotes for Instagram Do you love peanut butter and jelly or do you just eat peanut butter alone on a spoon? If you are a peanut butter fanatic and a major foodie who lives for peanut butter in combination with anything, look no further than us to make your Instagram postings complete! Check out our best Instagram captions […]
73 Flawless Lash Quotes + Captions
Inside: 73 Flawless Lash Quotes + Captions. I think we can all agree that having lush, thick, lock, and curly lashes makes us feel instantly more gorgeous. Eyelash extensions can guarantee it without the added hassle of curling, perming, or a dozen coats of mascara. I mean what could be better than the perfect lashes […]
57+ Mail Quotes Delivered Just for You
Inside: 57 Mail Quotes Delivered Just for You There is something so special about receiving a handwritten letter in the mail. As we get older, for most of us, the only mail we receive is either promotional ads or bills. Talk about BORING! When I was younger I always LOVED receiving mail, usually, it was […]
87 Badass Red Lipstick Quotes + Captions
Inside: 87 Badass Red Lipstick Quotes + Captions What is more powerful than putting on a cute ass outfit and a bright red lip? Girl… NOTHING! I feel like there is a whole power unleashed when you add that red lip to any look, instant bad bitch status. We have all had those moments where […]
167+ Beautiful Rainbow Quotes + Captions
Inside: 167+ Beautiful Rainbow Quotes + Captions No matter who you are, you must admit that rainbows are a thing of beauty. I mean, it’s not every day that you get to see a rainbow! After a storm passes, we see them as symbols of better things and they often lift our spirits high. For […]
175+ Fake People Quotes + Two-Faced Relatable Sayings
Inside: Two-Faced Fake People Quotes + Relatable Sayings. All that matters is those real friends who are truly by your side through thick and thin, and these fake friends quotes and fake people quotes will gift you with perspective on the difference between those who are real and who isn’t. After all, the only friends […]