Inside: The Happiest 17th Birthday Quotes.

Happy 17th Birthday you ALMOST legal adult! Enjoy this last year of “childhood” trust me being an adult isn’t what it is always cracked up to be. You have 364 days left before adulthood hits!

I know it might seem lame to just be 17 but enjoy it as much as you can! Here are 25 of the Happiest 17th Birthday Quotes just for you.

17th BIrthday Quotes

The Happiest 17th Birthday Quotes

Here are a few of the happiest 17th Birthday Quotes just for you!

1. You’ve not just aged by a year today; you’re 17 years wiser than you were years back when you were born.

2. Another 365 days of adventure starts today, you’ve lived 17 already, and your journey takes another dimension today.

3. May your 17th Birthday be explosive and the best you’ve ever experienced, until the year after.

4. May your light never dim as you become 17 today. Happy 17th Birthday.

Birthday Images

5. On your 17th Birthday, I am sending you 17 hugs and 17 kisses. Happy birthday.

6. Your birthday is a special time to celebrate the gift of ‘you’ to the world.

Birthday Quotes

7. Happy 17th birthday. Now it is only another 365 days until your big freedom! Have a great party and enjoy your life.

8. Happy birthday to a person who is smart, good looking, and funny and reminds me a lot of myself.

9. All the best on your 17th birthday- May all your dreams and wishes come true.

10. Something to remember on your birthday. Forget the past, it can’t be changed. And, forget the present because I didn’t get you one.

17th Birthday Quotes for Your BFF

Say Happy Birthday to your BFF with these 17th birthday quotes!

11. I want to take the chance of your 17th birthday to let you know you are the best friend of the world. All the best for your birthday.

12. Happy 17th birthday, dear, you are a great guy, and I hope that as you blow out the candles on the cake, everything you’ve dreamed of can become a reality.

13. 17 years of your existence, means 17 years of happiness for us, happy birthday dear.

14. I hope you have a happy 17th birthday and that you will have so many more years to come!

Happy 17th Birthday

15. Happy 17th birthday, you are practically the most wonderful woman I have ever known, girl.

16. You are the most wonderful friend that I have and I only wish you enjoy this bday of yours.

17. For being my best friend in the whole wide world I wish nothing but a happy 17th birthday!

BFF Quotes

18. You are a good friend of mine and that makes me wish you to have a spectacular day today.

Happy Birthday to You

Happy Birthday! Here are a few more of our favorite 17th Birthday Quotes!

19. Happy 17th birthday you rock as you always seem to I wish you nothing but the best right now.

20. I have watched you all this time, growing up and I cannot imagine not being with you, sis.

21. Let us keep partying all night and just enjoy the day, I really wish you a happy 17th birthday.

Happy Birthday Images

22. Happiest bday to the most wonderful daughter any father can ever have, enjoy turning 17!

23. You are truly an amazing woman we can all be proud of, wishing you all the best right now.

24. It is so hard to believe you are turning 17, I am so glad we are friends, happy 17th birthday!

25. Happy bday to you, there is nothing I want than to be as happy as you are, I love you a lot!

Love Quotes

More Birthday Quotes You’ll Love

If you like these 17th birthday quotes, here are a few more of our favorite birthday quote ideas!

  • My Birthday Quotes – Birthdays are the one day every year you can most likely get away with anything, from eating cake all day to taking a nap uninterrupted. Here are a few of our favorite My Birthday Quotes for you to use during your special day!
  • Happy Birthday Mom Quotes – It’s your Mother’s birthday. The birthday of the most special woman in the world. She raised you, put up with your teenage years, and is still always there for you. These “Happy Birthday Mom” Quotes are designed to encourage you to tell her just how special she is on her special day in a card, via text or just to say to her on the phone.
  • Birthday Quotes for Son – Having a son is quite an incredible blessing. Watching them grow from a little boy learning how to crawl to a full-fledged adult is one of the most amazing and heart-wrenching things. There are no words that could adequately express how much you love your son, but on his birthday you get a chance to try.

I hope you enjoy your 17th Birthday and these fun 17th Birthday Quotes! Let us know in the comments your favorite birthday memory!