Inside: Brother in law quotes.

Some of us love our brother-in-law. Some of us tolerate him, and others, well, we don’t want to talk about it. If you are searching for brother in law quotes, chances are you either like the guy or want to make a joke at his expense.

Well, you’ve come to the right place if that is the case.

These quotes are designed to either catch you in the feels or get a laugh at the expense of your brother-in-law. So grab one that catches your attention and shoot him a text message, or put it in his next Christmas present.

Brother in Law Quotes to Make You Laugh

1. “Brothers don’t shake hands. Brothers gotta hug.” – Tommy Boy

2. I never had a brother until my sister got married. Now I have someone to be over-competitive with at family events.

3. You either love your brother in law or hate him. No ones has ever been indifferent. Either your watching games together or trying to get your sister to leave him. No in-between.

4. I have so much respect for my brother in law. It takes a special man to survive my sister.

Cute Brother In Law Quotes

5. My brother in law is responsible for making me an Uncle, so I guess he’s an alright guy after all.

6. You can choose to keep him at “brother in law” distance or accept him as your brother. The latter is much more rewarding.

7. I always thought of brothers in law as weird guys who like NASCAR. Well, at least you don’t like NASCAR.

8. Growing up my sister and I would always fight with each other. Now that she is married and fights with my brother in law all the time, I see that she is the common denominator in all the fights.

9. Happy birthday to the best brother in law who has the best sister in law in the world. You’re welcome!

Brother in Law Quotes – without you we’d still be living with our sister

10. To my brother in law, we are eternally grateful for you. Without you, we’d still be living with my sister.

11. I know I will always be the cool Uncle to your kids, but one day I’ll have kids and you’ll get to be the cool Uncle. But honestly, it’s kind of a toss-up on which is less likely – me having kids, or you ever being cool.

12.  Sorry for de-pantsing you on your wedding day. I’ve never had a brother and am still learning how this thing works.

13. You are the World’s Okayest Brother in Law.

Brother In Law Quotes For Him

14. If there were an award for best brother in law I am certain you would at least get an honorable mention.

15. I know we did a lot of things to each other we both regret when you and my sister were dating, but I’m happy to go from Big Brother to brother in law knowing she is marrying you.

16. Barack Obama’s brother in law is a college basketball coach. So yeah, you and I aren’t winning brother in law’s of the year anytime soon.[mv_video doNotAutoplayNorOptimizePlacement=”false” doNotOptimizePlacement=”false” jsonLd=”true” key=”tdtbvsiebzbpzllqignm” ratio=”16:9″ thumbnail=”” title=”Brother In Law Quotes Funny” volume=”70″]

17. I smile because you are my brother in law. I laugh because you married my sister.

18. Without you, as a brother in law, I would be stuck watching sports alone at family events.

I will always admire you for the courage and strength it takes to be married to my sister

19. I will always admire you for the courage and strength it takes to be married to my sister.

Funny brother in law quotes to make you laugh

Funny Brother In Law Quotes To Make You Laugh

20. Listen, I didn’t get to choose my family, but you willingly chose to be a part of this family. May the world remember your strength and sacrifice for dealing with my mother.

21. I truly believe that my sister is a better person, and our family is much more full because you are a part of it.

22. I know we tease you all the time, but in reality, we couldn’t ask for a better brother in law.

23. I know integrating into our family wasn’t easy, but we all are so grateful to have you as part of it.

24. You are the best brother in law we’ve ever had. We didn’t really care for the last four.

25. You may not have been our sisters first choice, but you were definitely our favorite and we’re glad she picked you.