Inside: 47 of the Sweetest Donut Quotes

I don’t know about you but I am always ready for a good donut! My personal favorite is cake sprinkled, with pink icing of course!

I would have to say that I have a pretty big sweet tooth, I love sugary sweets, especially for breakfast! The only thing better than donuts themselves is funny donut puns.

Am I right? Check out these super sweet, totally funny Donut Quotes!

Sweet Donut Quotes

Pretty Sweet Donut Quotes

Sprinkles, glazed, cake, or chocolate there is a donut that satisfies everyone’s tastes! Here are a few funny donut quotes that will make anyone laugh!

1. You’re an extra sprinkles type of friend in a world full of glazed.

2. Donut worry, be happy!

3. Eat more whole foods!

Funny Donut Quotes

4. In a world full of plain bagels, be a sprinkled donut.

5. You’re driving me glazy!

6. I donut know how to thank you!

7. Donut kill my vibe.

8. I am just a girl standing in front of a salad asking it to be a donut.

Funny Diet Quotes

9. I like you a hole lot!

10. I donut know what I would do without you!

11. Powered by donuts!

Donut Worry these Quotes are the Best

I’ll take one of each of these sweet donut quotes! Seriously, I want every single one!

12. Working on my six-pack!

Donut Quotes

13. Don’t be an A-hole. Be a donut hole!

14. You can’t buy happiness but you can buy donuts. And that’s kind of the same thing.

15. Donut ever let me go.

16. After exercising I always eat donuts. Just kidding! I don’t exercise.

17. The only circle of trust you should have is a donut.

Funny Food Quotes

19. Donuts. An excuse to eat cake for breakfast.

Glazed, Cake, Sprinkles, Oh My!

What is your favorite donut? Can you even choose?  I know, it’s tough but these funny donut quotes will help you decide!

20.  You are the sprinkles on my donut.

Sprinkles Quotes

21. The closest I’ll get to winning the Hunger Games is when I spot the last donut in the office kitchen.

22. Donuts make life a little bit sweeter.

23. I love you to the donuts and back.

24. I’d rather have a donut buddy than a gym buddy!

Gym Quotes

25. The only circle of trust you should have is a donut!

26. Donut forget that you’re amazing.

27. I donut care about your diet!

Haven’t gotten enough sweet talk? Check out these 20 funny Donut Quotes

More Quotes You’ll Love

Your sweet tooth may be satisfied with these sweet donut quotes, but we have a few more fun quotes that you will enjoy!

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Now let’s go grab a couple dozen donuts and have a party? You in? Let us know in the comments your favorite donut flavor, and are you more of donuts in the morning only or any time of day?