Inside: Funny Famous Birthday Quotes You’ll Love. 

Celebrating birthdays is one of our favorite things. There are so many reasons to love birthday, I mean there is cake, gifts, decorations, and everyone sings to you!

Like what could be better? Whether you’re turning 21 or 60 birthday are a blessing all around. Here are 25 funny famous birthday quotes you’ll love.

Famous Birthday Quotes

Funny Famous Birthday Quotes You’ll Love

Check out these funny famous birthday quotes.

1. “A birthday is just the first day of another 365—day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip.” — Unknown

2. “A diplomat is a man who always remembers a woman’s birthday, but never remembers her age.”  —  Robert Frost

3. “After 40 a woman has to choose between losing her figure or her face. My advice is to keep your face and stay sitting down.” — Barbara Cartland

Famous Quotes

4. “You’ve survived another year. Although you’re older, it’s better than the alternative. Congratulations.” — Anonymous

5. “You’ve logged so many miles in the voyage of life that you’ve been upgraded to First Class. ” —  Evelyn Loeb

6. “You’ve heard of the three ages of man — youth, middle age, and “you’re looking wonderful”.” — Francis Cardinal Spellman

7. “Your 40th birthday calls for a major party. Don’t worry. I’ve already alerted your doctor.”— Melanie White

8. “You’re not fifty — you’re five perfect 10s!” — Unknown

50th Birthday

Famous Happy Birthday Quotes

Here are some of the best birthday quotes for anyone who loves birthdays.

9. “Youth is a blunder, manhood a struggle; old age a regret.” — Benjamin Disraeli

10. “Youth is a circumstance you can’t do anything about. The trick is to grow up without getting old.” — Frank Lloyd Wright

11. “You can live to be a hundred if you give up all the things that make you want to live to be a hundred.” — Woody Allen

Funny Birthday Quotes

12. “You are as young as your faith, as old as your doubt, as young as your self—confidence, as old as your fear, as young as your hope, as old as your despair. ” — Paul H. Dunn

13. “Why is a birthday cake the only food you can blow on and spit on and everybody rushes to get a piece?” — Bobby Kelton

14. “Wisdom doesn’t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.” — Tom Wilson

15. “When you turn thirty, a whole new thing happens: you see yourself acting like your parents.” — Blair Sabol

Getting Older birthday quotes

16. “When I have a birthday I take the day off. But when my wife has a birthday, she takes a year or two off.” — Anonymous

17. “We know we’re getting old when the only thing we want for our birthday is not to be reminded of it.” — Author Unknown

Getting Older – Getting Better

You’re not getting older, just better! Here are a few more of our favorite famous birthday quotes!

18. “Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.” — Buddha

19. “The best way to remember your wife’s birthday is to forget it once.” — E. Joseph Cossman

20. “Some birthday advice: don’t run upstairs right before you have to blow out 40 candles.” — Melanie White

Birthday Quotes

21. “Middle age is when a guy keeps turning off lights for economical rather than romantic reasons. ” — Eli Cass

22. “Happy 20th anniversary of your 30th Birthday. ” — Unknown

23. “Every year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new.” — Sammy Hagar

Happy Birthday Quotes

24. “Everyday is a birthday; every moment of it is new to us; we are born again, renewed for fresh work and endeavor.” — Isaac Watts

25. “Birthdays are like taxes. Both seem to happen too often and there’s no avoiding either.” — Blake Flannery

More Fun Quotes just for You

If you like these famous birthday quotes, then you will love these other great quotes!

  • Birthday Quotes for Dad – It’s your dad’s birthday! You know all he wants to do is play a round of golf and take a nap, but you also want to make sure that he knows how special he is to you. Sometimes it can be in the form of a joke, or with something sentimental. That’s why we put together these Birthday Quotes for Dad. We hope these inspire you to think of something grand, or afford you the words that you aren’t great with in the first place. Feel free to grab a quote to send to him, write in a card, or just tell him in person. It’s his birthday, make sure he feels special.
  • Hump Day Quotes – It’s Hump Day, or as most of you call it – Wednesday. Maybe you are like us and always giggle a little, or you just like celebrating almost making it through the week when you hear the term Hump Day. Either way, celebrating the middle of the week with some encouragement or a suggestive joke is always fun.
  • Good Vibes Quotes – Good vibes only around here, that’s a must! Sometimes life can deal you some bad cards, but it’s how you handle it that matters! With a positive mindset and a kind soul, you can get through anything that life puts in your path. When you spread good vibes then better vibes find you. Check out these 37 Good Vibes Quotes for a happy life!