Inside: Funny 21st Birthday Quotes

Ah, the 21st Birthday. That wonderful time when we thought the world revolved around us and we celebrated like acting like we were indestructible. We commend all the people who are able to remember their 21st birthday and salute those who cannot.

These Funny 21st Birthday quotes might be a trip down memory lane for some people.


For others, they can be a funny anecdote to put on a card or send in a text message. Either way, have fun with these quotes and celebrate all the fun and stupidity that comes with your 21st birthday.

Funny 21st Birthday Quotes

Funny 21st Birthday Quotes – Celebrate with Humor

1. Congrats. Now you can legally do everything you’ve been doing since 15.

2. Don’t chase anything except drinks and dreams.

3. Yay! You can finally use your own ID! Happy 21st

21st birthday quotes print21st Birthday Quotes

4. Happy 21st Anniversary of your escape from the womb.

21st birthday funny quotes party decor

5. I’m glad you don’t have to beg strangers to buy you beer anymore.

6. Happy Beer-thday!

Happy Beerthday Quotes

7. You and Google both debuted 21 years ago. So, there’s that.

21st birthday signs decor

8. I’m glad you were the strongest sperm.

9. Cheers and Beers to 21 Years!

Happy 21st Birthday Quotes

10. Congrats on not having to use your fake I.D. anymore.

11. Here’s to a night you’ll never remember!

21st birthday Boozy quotes

12. Welcome to the age when drinking becomes tedious and expensive!

13. Bad and Boozy!

Funny 21st Birthday Quotes

21st birthday party decor quotes

14. Just because you only turn 21 once doesn’t mean you have to remember it.

15. Tonight begins the first of many, many poor decisions.

16. Twenty-One, so much fun!

Funny 21st Birthday Quotes

21st birthday quotes signs decor for 21st birthday party

Funny 21st Birthday Quotes – Your youth has officially expired

17. Your youth has officially expired. Happy Birthday.

18. May the odds of remembering your 21st birthday be ever in your favor.

19. Oh, dang girl, you’re 21 and looking legal AF.

Funny 21st Birthday Quotes

20. You deserve much more than a birthday greeting, and I hope you get it.

21. Today we say goodbye to a true friend – the fake I.D.

22. She Drink, She Drank, She Drunk


Funny 21st Birthday drinking Quotes

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23. Tonight the drinks are on your friends. Tomorrow you have to start paying yourself.

24. Happy 21st anniversary to the day your face rubbed against your mom’s vagina.

25. Holy Shit you’re 21!

Funny 21st Birthday Quotes for women

26. Happy 21st Birthday! We honestly can’t believe you made it this long.

27. I’d be much more into your birthday if it was my birthday.

Best 21st birthday quotes party decor

28. For your 21st birthday, my present is not taking any pictures of you tonight.

Finally 21 – now go out there and make some regrettable decisions

29. Turning 21 is nothing to wine about!

Turning 21 Quotes hilarious

30. Finally 21 – now go out there and make some regrettable decisions.

31. Cheers and beers to your 21 years!

32. You’re my cup of tea, but I drink champagne now.

Cheers to 21 years quotes decor

33. Finally legal. Proceed with caution!

34. 21 and Having Fun!

21st Quotes fun party quotes for turning 21

21st birthday party quotes signs decor

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