Inside: 37 Endometriosis Quotes for Awareness of Endo Warriors.

When I first got my period, no one told me that it wasn’t normal to curl up in a ball for days, passing out, and crying from pain. I had no idea that the crippling symptoms I dealt with were anything but ordinary, until one day a doctor told me I had a disease called endometriosis.

I was grateful to learn there were treatments for my suffering, but I also began to feel isolated in my pain, even though I now know I was far from alone.

If you’re feeling isolated, here are some strong, powerful, and even a few funny endometriosis quotes to help you feel less alone.

Endo Warrior Quotes

What is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is more common than you think, but even still, because its symptoms can be so debilitating, it often feels like you’re alone in your suffering. According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), about one in 10 women are affected by the disorder. That means that about 10 percent of women are quietly dealing with the pain of the disease, and we shouldn’t. There’s no shame in it, even if talking about your cycle seems embarrassing. The ACOG also stated that there’s a real problem in diagnosing the illness, leading to a three to 11-year lag between the onset of symptoms and the initial diagnosis of endometriosis.

Endometriosis Awareness Quotes

1. Sick Girl Problem #19: Feeling incredibly guilty about being sick & how it effects those around me.

2. Yeah, I’m hurting.  But on goes the mascara and lipgloss.  That’s right.  I’ll be the prettiest wreck you’ve ever seen!

3. In times like these, we must be warriors.

4. The only thing that troubled me more than being a mystery was the realization that I was also the one who had to solve it.

5. I am amongst a community of warriors.

Funny Endometriosis Quotes

6. As twisted as it sounds, I was so happy that I had received a diagnosis.

7. I began to realize that I knew more about endometriosis than my doctor did.

8. I am 1 in 10

9. I can choose to be miserable, or I can choose to do something good with this. 

10. Be gentle with yourself, you’re doing the best you can. 

11. I am an Endo slayer and I refuse to give up! 

12. I have learned to appreciate all the days without pain. 

13. Don’t mock a pain you haven’t endured

14. The truth is, some days, I don’t give it my best. I don’t even give it my all. I can only manage to give it my some, and it’s not even that great. But I’m still here and I’m still trying. So, that’s gotta count for something, right?

Endo Warrior Quotes

15. There is no limit to what we, as women, can accomplish – Michelle Obama

16. Bodies change, worth doesn’t 

17. You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it. 

18. You are where you are, and that’s okay. 

19. I’m tired of this never-ending pain! 

20. Sometimes you just have to curl up with your blankie until 

21. Endo Warrior Queens!

22. Chronic Illness hurts just as much mentally as it does physically. 

23. NOt being able to do as much as others, does not make you a failure. 

24. You’re not unreliable, your health is. 

Endometriosis Awareness Quotes

25. Medications saved my life. Stop pill shaming. 

26. Don’t be ashamed to tell your story. It will inspire others. 

Funny Endometriosis Quotes

27. Roses are red. This uterus is pink. When I have my period, I need a strong drink. 

28. I’m just taking things one symptom at a time!

29. 50% of me wants to cuddle in sweatpants. 50% of me wants to eat someone alive. 

30. Me: I’m having horrific doubled-over possible endo pain. Nurse: Take two ibuprofen. Have a great day!

31. Yes, hello, I’d like a refund on my body. It’s kinda defective and really expensive. 

Chronic Illness Sayings

32. Do you ever start crying about something and then the next day you get your period and you’re like… I knew I wasn’t a weak ass bitch!

33. It’s not you, it’s your period! 

34. Never piss off something who bleeds for a week every month and doesn’t die. 

35. Having to fight a battle with your own body is exhausting. 

36. Paingry: A state of anger caused by long-term pain. 

37. Not sure if it’s a flare, or just the flue, or bad tacos, or a new allergy, or just an actual injury, or maybe just a weather change. 

More Powerful and Encouraging Quotes to Share

If you liked these endometriosis quotes and you’re looking for more encouraging messages, then check out a few more of our favorites. 

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Endometriosis Quotes