Inside: Quotes about lent inspiration.

Lent is just around the corner and if this is a religious sentiment that you observe, you might need a quote about lent to give you some push and inspiration.

One of the most well-known traditions of the Lenten season is fasting, or abstaining from certain foods or luxuries. This can be done as a way to remember the sacrifice of Jesus and to focus on spiritual needs rather than physical wants. Giving up something that is important to you can also be a powerful way to show your love and devotion to God.

Another important aspect of Lent is almsgiving, or acts of charity and kindness. This can include giving money to the poor, volunteering your time, or simply showing compassion to those in need. Almsgiving is a way to put our faith into action and to be a reflection of God’s love in the world.

Lent is also a time for repentance and confessing one’s sins. This can be a difficult but powerful process, as it allows us to confront our mistakes and ask for forgiveness. Through repentance, we can find peace and renewed strength to live a more faithful life.

So as you go through the 40 days and need to find some encouragement and strength in the spiritual, here’s a quote about lent to give you guidance.

Quotes about lent and praying in the Lenten season.

Quote About Lent

1.”Lent is a time for self-examination, for looking at our lives honestly and seeing where we need to make changes.” – Pope Francis

2. “Lent is not about giving up something for God. It’s about receiving something from God.” – Anonymous

3. “Lent is a time to be more intentional about our relationship with God. It’s an opportunity to focus on what truly matters in life and to let go of things that distract us.” – Anonymous

4. “Lent is a time to strip away the unnecessary and to focus on what’s truly important.” – Anonymous

5. “Lent is a time to turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.” – Pope Benedict XVI

6. “Lent is a time to grow closer to God and to become more like Jesus.” – Anonymous

7. “Lent is a time to purify our hearts and minds, to prepare ourselves for the coming of Easter.” – Pope Francis

A cross with a little palm leaf on it
8. “Lent is a time to make a spiritual journey, to deepen our relationship with God.” – Anonymous

9. “Lent is a time to reflect on our sins and to ask for forgiveness.” – Anonymous

10. “Lent is a time to give up something for God, to make room for the Spirit to enter in.” – Anonymous

11. “Lent is a time to let go of our old selves and to embrace a new life in Christ.” – Anonymous

12. “Lent is a time to fast, to pray, and to give to the poor, as a way to grow closer to God.” – Anonymous

13. “Lent is a time to grow in humility and to deepen our love for God.” – Anonymous

Holy Week Sayings

Holy Week sayings are more than just mentions of the holy happening the week around lent. Lent isn’t just a reminder of Easter, it all plays together for a larger part of coming together to create a sacred and religious experience.

A quote about lent can totally help you share your perspective and remembrance of the holiday.

14. “Lent is a time to focus on the things that truly matter and to let go of the things that don’t.” – Anonymous

15. “Ash Wednesday, with its visible sign of dust and ashes on our foreheads, is a forcible reminder of our own frailty and mortality and sinfulness. We don’t like to remember those parts of ourselves, but on this day, it is literally rubbed onto us.” — Paul J. Willis

16. “Even the darkest moments of the liturgy are filled with joy, and Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the lenten fast, is a day of happiness, a Christian feast.” — Father Thomas Merton

17. “Nevertheless, the liturgy of Ash Wednesday is not focussed on the sinfulness of the penitent but on the mercy of God. The question of sinfulness is raised precisely because this is a day of mercy, and the just do not need a savior.” — Father Thomas Merton

18. “As you mourn for your sins and weaknesses this Ash Wednesday through fasting, mourning and weeping, may you be truly transformed from your heart.” — John Tribes

19. “Lent is a time to let go of our pride and to become more like Jesus.” – Anonymous

20. “I’m a sinner. I don’t always love God as strongly as I could or as directly as I should. Ash Wednesday reminds me that it is only through God that I have life; He gave it to me. God forgives. He loves. And He gives this sinner a second chance. Put simply: my God kicks ash.” — Mark Hart

21. “The most important thing a born again Christian can do is to pray.” — Chuck Smith

22. “Prayer is where the action is.” — John Wesley

23. “Without the breath of God, we are but dust. On the brink of Lent, Ash Wednesday helps us remember the life and death stakes in our own stories.” — Carolyn Arends

24. “Prayer is reaching out after the unseen; fasting is letting go of all that is seen and temporal. Fasting helps express, deepen, confirm the resolution that we are ready to sacrifice anything, even ourselves to attain what we seek for the kingdom of God.”
— Andrew Murray

25. “Lent stimulates us to let the Word of God penetrate our life and in this way to know the fundamental truth: who we are, where we come from, where we must go, what path we must take in life…” — Pope Benedict XVI

26. “Nothing, how little so ever it be, if it is suffered for God’s sake, can pass without merit in the sight of God.” — Thomas a Kempis

Religious Quotes

27. “No act of virtue can be great if it is not followed by advantage for others. So, no matter how much time you spend fasting, no matter how much you sleep on a hard floor and eat ashes and sigh continually if you do no good to others, you do nothing great.” — John Chrysostom

28. “The proof of love is in the works. Where love exists, it works great things. But when it ceases to act, it ceases to exist.” — Pope St. Gregory the Great

29. “Whoever wishes to be my follower must deny his very self, take up his cross each day, and follow in my steps.” — Luke 9:23

30. “Renounce yourself in order to follow Christ; discipline your body; do not pamper yourself, but love fasting.” — Saint Benedict

31. “Men may spurn our appeals, reject our message, oppose our arguments, despise our persons, but they are helpless against our prayers.” — Sidlow Baxter

32. “You can do more than pray after you have prayed; but you can never do more than pray until you have prayed.” — A.J. Gordon

33. “Fasting is more about longing for the power and presence of Jesus than restricting our appetites.” — Gary Rohrmayer

34. “Prayer does not change the purpose of God. But prayer does change the action of God.” — Chuck Smith

35. “Fasting from any nourishment, activity, involvement or pursuit—for any season—sets the stage for God to appear. Fasting is not a tool to pry wisdom out of God’s hands or to force needed insight about a decision.” — Dan B. Allender

36. “Everything in life has its own time. There is time to celebrate and there is time to mourn. This is the time for reflection and transformation. Let us look within and change into what we ought to be.” — Aaron Saul

A palm leaf in front of a stained glass window
37. “As you mourn for your sins and weaknesses this Ash Wednesday through fasting, mourning and weeping, may you be truly transformed from your heart.” — John Tribes

38. During these 40 days, let me put away all my pride. Let me change my heart and give up all that is not good within me. Let me love God with all that I am and all that I have.” — Genesis Grain

39. “One should never initiate anything that he cannot saturate with prayer.” — Unknown

40. “All throughout my life I have been living recklessly. I have sinned a lot and done things that I know I should not have done. Now I will return back to God and change myself.” — Genevieve Shaw

Encouraging Reminders

Need some more quotes about lent to paste around the house when things feel hard? How about eleven more?

41. “Fasting makes sense if it really chips away at our security and, as a consequence, benefits someone else, if it helps us cultivate the style of the good Samaritan, who bent down to his brother in need and took care of him.” — Pope Francis

42. “It is not just about giving up our favorite food but its about going further and giving up things like hatred and unforgiveness. You need to clean your heart and prepare yourself for purity.” — Amanda Jobs

43. “The central focus of fasting remains to draw near to God. It reveals sins from which we must repent. Fasting is an act of worship that changes our spiritual and physical posture toward God.” — Timothy Willard

44. “God does nothing except in response to believing prayer.” — John Wesley

45. “You don’t know how to pray? Put yourself in the presence of God, and as soon as you have said, ‘Lord, I don’t know how to pray!’ you can be sure you’ve already begun.” – St. Josemaría Escrivá

46. “Apart from the cross, there is no other ladder by which we may go to heaven.” – St. Rose of Lima

47. “Prayer strikes the winning blow; service is simply picking up the pieces.” — S.D. Gordon

48. “If I fail to spend two hours in prayer each morning, the devil gets the victory through the day. I have so much business I cannot get on without spending three hours daily in prayer. — Martin Luther

A statue of Martin Luther
49. “The life of a Christian is nothing but a perpetual struggle against self; there is no flowering of the soul to the beauty of its perfection except at the price of pain.” – St. Padre Pio

50. “My whole strength lies in prayer and sacrifice; these are my invincible arms; they can move hearts far better than words.” – St. Therese of Lisieux

51. “Nothing great is ever achieved without much enduring.” – St. Catherine of Siena

52. “Even Jesus who is the Lord of Lords and the king of kings fasted and prayed in the desert for 40 days and 40 nights. How much more we need to do the same with all our sinfulness and baggage’s.” — Tamara Lane

Overall, Lent is a time for self-reflection and growth. It is an opportunity to focus on our relationship with God and to become more like Jesus. It is also a time to remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us and to reflect on how we can live a more faithful and meaningful life.

Something we could all use a little bit of, even if this is not a part of the religion that we regularly observe. A quote about lent is sometimes exactly what we need to remember what it’s about.

These quotes about lent aren’t just inspirational about getting through the 40 days of fasting and prayer, but also inspire us to live a better life, a more selfless life. So as you move through these next few months, whether you celebrate or not, enjoy these quotes for lent.

Here are 87 Easter quotes for more spring fun!