Inside: Softball quotes.
Softball isn’t just a game, it’s a way of life. There is something magical about the grass, dirt and the bases. Not everyone gets it, and that’s okay. But for those of us that do, it is everything.
These Softball quotes will remind you of all the joy and glory that you’ve experienced on the diamond. Some girls want diamond rings, but for us, a day spent on the grass and dirt is all we need.
Softball Quotes to Inspire You
1. Softball was invented to show boys how it’s done.
2. Playing like a girl doesn’t mean what it used to.
3. Don’t tell people your dreams, show them.
4. Softball is my passion. Dirt and bruises are my fashion.
5. A bucket a day keeps the strikeouts away.
6. Talent is nothing without dedication.
7. Eat. Sleep. Play Softball. Repeat.
I’m a beauty in the streets and a beast in my cleats
8. I’m a beauty in the streets and a beast in my cleats.
9. 4 Bases. 3 Outs. 2 Teams. 1 Winner.
10. When you see your softball bruises and smile.
11. I love diamonds, just not the same ones as you.
12. Play for the name on the front of the jersey; make sure they never forget the one on the back.
13. You’ve got what it takes, as long as you give it everything you got.
Softball Quotes – Nothing bonds a team like comparing bruises
14. Nothing bonds a team together like comparing bruises.
15. No grass stains, no glory. No bruises, no story.
16. A game so perfect it’s played on diamonds.
17. Softball is for everyone, fastpitch is for athletes.
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18. The only difference between practice and a game is what you are wearing.
19. I was too cute to be a cheerleader, so I played softball.
20. Forget the glass slippers, this princess wears cleats.
21. Yeah, we play like girls, that should scare you.
22. Success is never on sale, you have to pay the full price.
23. There is no place like home, except the dugout!
24. Any day spent playing softball is a great day.
25. Education is important, but softball is importanter. 😉
Speaking of softball… here are 43 funny awkward quotes to enjoy.