Inside: 21 Spooky All Hallows Eve Quotes.

With Halloween just around the corner, creative juices everywhere are pumping. After all, is there any other holiday that ignites the imagination quite like All Hallow’s Eve?  Because a picture may be worth a thousand words, but you shouldn’t have to choose between one or the other.


Whether you’re sewing handmade costumes, carving elaborate jack o’ lanterns, painting decorative items for your home, or planning an epic bash, October is the perfect time of year to try something new.

Check out these 21 Spooky All Hallows Eve Quotes!

All Hallows Eve Quotes

Spooky All Hallows Eve Quotes

1. “I would like, if I may, to take you on a strange journey.” – The Rocky Horror Picture Show

All Hallows Eve Quotes

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2. Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and caldron bubble.

3. It’s Halloween; everyone’s entitled to one good scare.

4. Halloween wraps fear in innocence, as though it were a slightly sour sweet. Let terror, then, be turned into a treat.

5. Where there is no imagination there is no horror.

6. There is a child in every one of us who is still a trick-or-treater looking for a brightly-lit front porch.

7. When witches go riding, and black cats are seen, the moon laughs and whispers, ’tis near Halloween.

All Hallows Eve Quotes

Quotes for All Hallows Eve

You will love these spooky All Hallows Eve Quotes!

8. The farther we’ve gotten from the magic and mystery of our past, the more we’ve come to need Halloween.

9. Some people are born for Halloween, and some are just counting the days until Christmas.

10. Clothes make a statement. Costumes tell a story.

All Hallows Eve Quotes

11. Bring forth the raisins and the nuts- Tonight All-Hallows’ Spectre struts. Along the moonlit way.

All Hallows Eve Party Decor Quote Prints

12. Spirits roam the neighborhoods at night, let loose upon the Earth till it be light…

Creepy Halloween Quotes

13. I don’t know that there are real ghosts and goblins, but there are always more trick-or-treaters than neighborhood kids.

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All Hallows Eve Quotes – Perfect for Spooky Season

14. There is magic in the night when pumpkins glow by moonlight.

15. Shadows of a thousand years rise again unseen. Voices whisper in the trees, “Tonight is Halloween!”

16. Moon above, bare trees below; How I love this season so…

17. Cauldrons bubble, broomstick twitch; what a night to be a witch!


18. I put a spell on you.

19. When witches go riding and black cats are seen. It’s close to All Hallows Eve!

20. Come with us and you will see this our town of Halloween!

21. Darkness falls across the land, the midnight hour is close at hand.

All Hallows Eve Quotes

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