Inside: 53+ Most Exciting Thrillest Quotes.
There are just some of us who love a little thrill in life. Whether it be trying new foods, jumping out of plains, or taking that leap of faith on a new project! Something about going out of your comfort zone just brings so much excitement and energy!
One of my favorite thrills is trying something I have never done before, my latest trill was rock climbing. I know it may seem small but finding that thrill in life that makes your nerves heighten a little and get your adrenaline pumping is one of my favorite feelings.
Here are 50 of the most exciting thrillest quotes for a fun life.
Exciting Thrillest Quotes
Do you love a good thrill? These exciting thrillest quotes are perfect for you!
1. I’m sorry I was being crazy when you were treating me like shit
2. Don’t fall in love with the result, fall in love with the process
3. “Rock Bottom became the solid foundation on which a built my life” – J.K. Rowling
4. I don’t have trust issues, I have “seen that shit with my own eyes” issues
5. I have to be successful because I like expensive things
6. Pretty words are not always true, and true words are not always pretty
7. Stop letting people who do so little for you control your feelings and emotions
8. “Remember that just because you hit bottom doesn’t mean you have to stay there.” R Downey Jr.
9. I don’t sugar coat shit, I’m not Willy Wonka
10. “Real love doesn’t meet you at your best, it meets you at your mess.” J.S. Park
Thrilling Quotes to Share
These thrillest quotes are perfect to share with your other fun loving friends!
11. Anyone can love you when the sun is shining, the real test is when there is a storm
12. Not everyone deserves to now the real you. Let them criticize the person they think you are
13. We all fall down in life, the question is who will get back up
14. I love my scars. They are reminders of all it has taken to get where I am
15. Always walk like you deserve to be right where you are
16. I stopped explaining myself once I understood people only see me from their perception
17. Either embrace who I am or move on.
18. “In the process of letting go you will lose many things from your past, but you will find yourself” – Deepak Chopra
19. Create a life that feels good on the inside, and let how it looks on the outside flow from that
20. Always saying what you feel doesn’t make you real, it makes you an asshole
Thrillest Quotes that are good for the soul
These thrillest quotes are exactly what your fun soul needs!
21. If you don’t want to be mediocre, write a list of cool shit to do, then start doing them.
22. Awesome people don’t spend their days looking at other people on social media. They’re too busy doing awesome shit
23. No one on their deathbed wishes they had just gotten more “likes”
24. The other person in the way of you succeeding is you. So fire that bitch and get moving on with the rest of your life
25. Sometimes you have to tell your feelings to shut the fuck up so that you can focus on what you deserve
26. There is no secret to success, hard work has been the key since day one. You just can’t accept that so you keep looking for a easier way.
27.I done wasting my time with people who don’t work hard and aren’t positive.
28. Be strong, but not rude. Be kind, but not weak. Be humble, but not timid. Be proud, but not arrogant.
29. Shit happens but life goes on with or without you. So get your ass up.
30. “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend.” – MLK
Life is Thrilling
Life is thrilling so are these thrillest quotes!
31. A wise man will often be found alone. A weak man will always be found in a crowd
32. I don’t compete with anyone. If what I do threatens you, that is your problem
33. Obstacles only exist to prevent the weak from getting what only the strong deserve
34. Don’t cling to a mistake just because you spent a long time making it. Cut your losses and move on
35. Never let someone with the significance of a speed bump become a roadblock in your life
36. If you saw the size of the reward, you would understand the magnitude of the battle, and you would be ready to do whatever it takes
37. Light is the only thing that can drive out darkness. So brighten the fuck up every once in a while
38. Staying in the safest place you can is the only thing holding you back from winning
39. Always say please and thank you. It’s not that fucking hard
40. Being bitter is like swallowing a poison pill and hoping it kills the person you are mad at
A Few More Thrillest Quotes You’ll Love
Here are a few more thrillest quotes that you will love!
41. Being busy is a lie. Everyone thinks they are busy. The winners make time for the important shit.
42. Do you ever notice that the ones who made it never make excuses for their circumstances, but seem grateful for them?
43. The difference between being successful or not is as simple as deciding to never, ever be a victim of your circumstances
44. If you don’t respect someone’s time then you don’t respect yourself. So get some fucking self-respect and stop being late
45. Your mom didn’t work two jobs while you were growing up so you could sit around getting high and playing video games all day.
46. It doesn’t matter how long it takes, as long as you don’t stop
47. You go ahead a worry about being liked, the adults will be over here being respected
48. “Monsters are real and ghosts are real. They live inside us and sometimes they win.” – Stephen King
49. So you feel tired, or sick, or burnt out. Do it anyway. That how the winners get to the top of the mountain
50. Seek respect, not attention. It lasts far longer.
Quotes Just for You
If you like these Thrillest Quotes then here are a few more quotes we know you will love!
- Funny 21st Birthday Quotes – Ah, the 21st Birthday. That wonderful time when we thought the world revolved around us and we celebrated like acting like we were indestructible. We commend all the people who are able to remember their 21st birthday and salute those who cannot.
- Goodnight Quote for Him – We’ve curated this amazing list of Good night Quotes for Him so that you can always have the perfect thing to say, text or message back to the person you love, and sometimes miss, the most.
- Law of Attraction Quotes – You have the power and ability to create what you desire. The universe is waiting for you to create all the desires that have been burning in your soul. These Law of Attraction quotes are meant to inspire you with the truth that you have what it takes to make it happen.
Let us know in the comments where you get your thrills!