Inside: 51 New Month Quotes.
With each new month comes new challenges, new memories, exciting events, and a chance to grow. I love celebrating each new month as it comes up on the calendar. I always end each month by planning the next, seeing what Birthdays, Holidays, appointments and free weekends I have.
It is a time for me to reflect on what happened the month before, and how I can make the next even better!
Here are 51 of my favorite New Month Quotes to help inspire a brighter future…
Brand New Month Quotes
1. New Month. New Beginning. New Mindset. New Focus. New Start. New Intentions. New Result.
2. Challenges are what make life interesting. Overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.
3. I love it when a new month has one less day than the previous one. It’s like the universe is challenging me to step my game up.
4. The best thing about a new month is that it is a clean slate with 30 chances to do something great.
5. Don’t worry about yesterday or last month. Today is a new day, so renew your mind this morning. Be positive and start fresh.
6. The journey to success begins with a step. Take that step this month. Believe in your dreams! Go ahead and Achieve them!
7. “For last month’s words belong to last month’s language and next month’s words await another voice.”
T.S. Eliot
8. Success comes to those who are ready to work for it, so as you enter this new month everything will work for you, you will have your desired result.
9. Here’s wishing you seconds of joy, minutes of gladness, hours of laughter, days of blessing and an altogether amazing month.
10. No matter what this new month brings, I pray you will always have reasons to be thankful. May it be a blessed one for you.
New Month Quotes to Start Fresh
11. As we enter new month, may your daily need be reduced to your satisfaction, your dreams be fulfilled forever.
12. No one can stand in the way of a moving train. This month, you will be unstoppable. You will not be conquered.
13. Wishing you a colorful new month with lots of achievement and promises fulfilled. You never know what tomorrow has in store for you!
14. “Life is overflowing with the new. But it is necessary to empty out the old to make room for the new to enter.”~ Eileen Caddy
15. Forget the past, embrace the future and the possibilities it presents. Be super excited about opportunities ahead.
16. Do you know what a new month represents for you? You are getting older and wiser and more mature with every month added to your life.
17. There’s a fire within you. Go ahead, light it up. Be anything you want to be. Be great. Have a beautiful month ahead.
18. Let your purpose consume you this month, let passion distinguish you. Go for excellence!
19. Too many people look forward to the New Month for a new start on old habits. Consider the new month an invitation to new habits.
20. If you haven’t yet found what you asked for, don’t worry, another month is coming to your life to make sure your unfulfilled wishes are fulfilled.
New Month, New Mindset
With each new month, learn to expand your mindset. Here are a few new month quotes to help with that!
21. Three things you should hold on to this month; your faith, your courage and your smile.
22. A new month is waiting on your door to embrace you with the warmth of love and the colors of a rainbow to decorate your life with all the best in this world.
23. You’re an embodiment of virtue. A creature of excellence. Let the world taste of your awesomeness this month.
24. May you rise and shine above every shame and disappointment in this new month. May you have cause to rejoice and celebrate.
25. “Drop the last month into the silent limbo of the past. Let it go, for it was imperfect, and thank God that it can go.” Brooks Atkinson
26. A new month isn’t just an occasion to celebrate. It’s a package where all the equipment to fulfill the dreams is assembled. So grab it and make the best use of it.
27. May all your endeavors this month yield good success. May none of your efforts go to waste.
28. A new month is coming with a promise that the next 30 days of your life will be full of smiles, joys, and delights. You are the one in charge to make sure that happens.
29. No one deserves to succeed more than you. May all your efforts count and amount to success. May you find courage and strength to overcome all of life’s challenges.
Quotes for A New Month
30. Dog days are going to be over soon dear friend. A new month will wash away all your sorrows and carry you to the joys unbound.
31. Life is full of second chances. Yet another month is coming and do you know what’s special about it? You are still alive to embrace the new possibilities it’s bringing.
32. May your tomorrow be brighter, May this new month be more successful, I wish this month brings more inspiration and love in your life33. Never underestimate the power of investing in yourself.
34. “Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending.” ~ Carl Bard
35. Remember the reason you are doing this is to make your life better.
36. Never lose sight on why you wake up each morning. This new month is 30 chances to embrace that and fulfill it.
37. Be more afraid of not trying than failing and this month will take care of itself.
38. New month. Make an easy goal to do each morning, and add a new one every week. This will set up the entire month to be successful.
39. New month. Same kickass mentality. Still successful.
Not Just Another Month
It’s not just another month, it’s a chance to be a better you. Here are a few more awesome New Month Quotes just for you!
40. Another month has passed, another month has come. I wish for you, that with every month you touch all your dreams.
41. Who says this month has to be different than last month. I totally kicked ass last month.
42. You cannot get to the top by sitting on your bottom.
43. Every new month is an invitation to 30 days of greatness. Welcome it and destroy it.
44. Chains are too light to be felt until they are too heavy to be broken. Watch the little things this month and break free from the chains.
45. A new month and another reminder not to quit your Daydream.
46. This month I will take the energy others use to complain and will use it to succeed.
47. Oh hey new month! Are you as ready to do this as I am?
48. No drop of water is insignificant to the ocean. No minute of time is insignificant to your life. How will you enjoy the 43,800 minutes in this month?
49. If you could accomplish anything this month what would it be? What is stopping you from doing it?
50. The only “can’t” in your vocabulary this month should be “I can’t fail!”
51. “They always say time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself.” – Andy Warhol
More Inspiring Quote Ideas
These New Month Quotes are full of inspiration. Find more with these fun quotes!
Now that you have these inspiring New Month Quotes, see how you can grow this month!