Inside: Best good day quotes that will guarantee you a wonderful day. Recently I have been experimenting with different ways to make my days better. Small things like getting up a little earlier and less screen time have been ridiculously beneficial in creating a happier life for me. I say ridiculously because these actions are […]
Helpful Quotes
71+ Waking Up Early Quotes To Slay The Day
Inside: Motivating Wake Up Early Quotes that Welcome the Sun Do you love getting up early every day and making the most of your day? Or do you spend a lot of your time in bed? Laying around scrolling through Facebook and not doing everything you can with your day? If you’re the latter you’re […]
53 Comeback Quotes to Crush it With
Inside: 53 Comeback quotes to crush it with on your next challenge. Have you ever been in the shower, reflecting on your day, and suddenly come up with the best comeback quote that you should have used when someone was rude to you that day? That has to be one of the most frustrating situations […]
73 Country Song Quotes for Instagram
Inside: Country Song Quotes for Instagram. From drinking anthems to romantic ballads, country music can set the mood for just about any occasion in life. An iconic music genre, country music has blessed us with so many amazing song lyrics that can become our mottos or ease our pains. Let the lyrics of Johnny Cash […]
83 Petty Quotes to Deal with the DRAMA
Inside: 83 Petty Quotes to Deal with the DRAMA We have all encountered petty drama in our lives. It seems no matter where we are in life… high school, work or motherhood, petty people are waiting in the shadows hoping to suck the joy out of good situations. Sometimes to protect our peace, we have […]
53+ Laundry Quotes for your Never Ending Pile
Inside: 53 Laundry Quotes for your Pile If you’ve ever considered setting your laundry pile on fire and starting from scratch, you’re in the right place. Laundry is one of those never-ending tasks that seem to multiply like crazy no matter what system you have in place. There seems to be a part of the […]
83 Karma Narcissist Quotes You NEED to Read
Inside: The best karma narcissist quotes to help you on your journey. Narcissism can be hard to spot at first. Generally, the first tactic of narcissists is extreme love bombing, so spotting their tricks can be hard at first. However, slowly but surely, a narcissist’s true colors come out. It is extremely difficult, and maybe […]
53 Protest Quotes That Will Make a Change
Inside: Protest Quotes That Will Make a Change. Throughout history, protests have been a way for people to make big changes and call out injustices. Protests have played important roles in the Civil Rights Movement, the Women’s Rights Movement, BLM and more. Protests bring attention to the work that must be done for equality and […]
53+ Hug Quotes to Help Your Day
Inside: 53 Hug Quotes to Help Your Day. Sometimes when we are having a terrible day, all we need is a hug to restore our sense of peace. There is something about being wrapped in the arms of a loved one that makes us feel safe and secure. It doesn’t matter if that person is […]